Your health is your superpower

Take hold of your wellbeing with precision health strategies

Turn the tide on your health.

When life’s stressors collide with inflammation, fatigue, and metabolic issues, it’s hard to find personalized strategies for righting your ship. Try as you might, we can’t turn handfuls of biohacks and detoxes into abundant vitality. 

Build habits that optimize your energy, strength, and emotional balance. Working with Jill, you’ll get science-based strategy optimizing your body-brain connection and your biopsychosocial health.

Meet Jill

Jill  is a nurse practitioner and integrative health & performance coach. Her method optimizes the brain-body connection through lifestyle medicine in concert with western medical and holistic strategy. Committed to meeting clients where they are, Jill offers expert guidance and support, empowering you to an actionable and sustainable health and wellness experience.

  • "Within three months of working with Jill, all my blood tests were back within normal range!"

    -Courtney Earl

  • "Jill focused on me as a whole person, integrating all aspects of my life that were important to me."

    -Roni Stimell

  • "Her holistic approach to HIV is why I'm alive and well over 20 years later.”

    -Darren Main

  • “Jill is hands down the best general health care provider I've ever had."

    -Leah Kennedy

Together, we'll explore:

  • Your medical history:

    Jill uses laboratory evaluations, health records and other available data to inform precision strategies

  • Mind-Body Practices:

    Incorporate mindfulness practices that optimize your nervous system for health and performance

  • Nutrition:

    Focus on nutritional strategies that are consistent with your unique genetic, health, and lifestyle needs

  • Exercise:

    Develop and hone a personalized exercise protocol that supports your power, perfomance, and longevity

  • Precision Health:

    Jill utilizes functional lab testing to optimize your health

  • Supplementation:

    Commit to a tactical supplement regimen that’s specific to your precise and evolving needs

Ready to commit to a stronger, vital, and more emotionally resilient you?